Work System Design


Prof. Inderdeep Singh

IIT Roorkee

*Additional GST and optional Exam fee are applicable. 

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Work System Design deals with the systematic examination of the methods of doing work with an aim of finding the means of effective and efficient use of resources and setting up of standards of performance for the work being carried out. The systematic examination of work involves  what is done? And how it is done? As well as what is the standard time to do the work? This is required to have an in-depth analysis of all the elements, factors, resources and relationships affecting the efficiency and effectiveness of the work being studied. The course also aims at scientifically establishing the time required for a qualified worker to carry out a work element at a defined rate of working. Ergonomic aspects of work system design are also included in the course contents. The scope of this course is not only limited to the manufacturing applications but it is also relevant for service sector industry.


All Engineering Students and Faculty


All the industries using work system theory to improve their productivity and effectiveness.


Dr. Inderdeep Singh is currently working as Associate Professor in Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering at Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee. He has taught among others, the industrial engineering courses such as Production Planning and Control, Product Design and Development, Work System Design, Industrial Management and Quality Management. He has been actively involved in the National Mission Project on Education Through ICT (NME-ICT) of Government of India. He has completed three video and one web course under the National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL). He has developed suitable pedagogical methods for two under-graduate courses of Mechanical Engineering.

Certification Process

1. Join the course
Learners may pay the applicable fees and enrol to a course on offer in the portal and get access to all of its contents including assignments. Validity of enrolment, which includes access to the videos and other learning material and attempting the assignments, will be mentioned on the course. Learner has to complete the assignments and get the minimum required marks to be eligible for the certification exam within this period.

COURSE ENROLMENT FEE: The Fee for Enrolment is Rs. 3000 + GST

2. Watch Videos+Submit Assignments
After enrolling, learners can watch lectures and learn and follow it up with attempting/answering the assignments given.

3. Get qualified to register for exams
A learner can earn a certificate in the self paced course only by appearing for the online remote proctored exam and to register for this, the learner should get minimum required marks in the assignments as given below:

Assignment score = Score more than 50% in at least 9/12 assignments.
Exam score = 50% of the proctored certification exam score out of 100
Only the e-certificate will be made available. Hard copies will not be dispatched.”

4. Register for exams
The certification exam is conducted online with remote proctoring. Once a learner has become eligible to register for the certification exam, they can choose a slot convenient to them from what is available and pay the exam fee. Schedule of available slot dates/timings for these remote-proctored online examinations will be published and made available to the learners.

EXAM FEE: The remote proctoring exam is optional for a fee of Rs.1500 + GST. An additional fee of Rs.1500 will apply for a non-standard time slot.

5. Results and Certification
After the exam, based on the certification criteria of the course, results will be declared and learners will be notified of the same. A link to download the e-certificate will be shared with learners who pass the certification exam.


Course Details

Week 1 :  Work System Design: Introduction,Introduction and Concept of Productivity, Measurement   of Productivity, Productivity Measures, Productivity
Measurement Models
Week 2 :  Factors Influencing Productivity, Causes of Low Productivity, Productivity Measurement Models, Productivity Improvement Techniques,
Numerical Problems on productivity, Case study on productivity.
Week 3 :  Work Study: Basic Concept, Steps Involved in Work Study, Concept of Work Content, , Techniques of Work Study, Human Aspects of Work Study
Week 4 :  Method Study: Basic Concept, Steps Involved in Method Study, Recording Techniques, Operation Process Charts, Operation Process Charts:
Week 5 :  Flow Process Charts, Flow Process Charts: Examples, Two-Handed-Process Charts, Multiple Activity Charts, Flow Diagrams.
Week 6 :  String Diagrams, Principles of Motion Economy, Micro-Motion   Study, Therbligs, SIMO Charts
Week 7 :  Memo-Motion Study, Cycle graph and Chrono-Cycle Graph, Critical Examination Techniques, Development and Selection of New Method,
Installation and Maintenance of Improved Methods.
Week 8 :  Work Measurement: Basic Concept, Techniques of Work Measurement, Steps Involved in Time Study, Steps and  Equipment of Time Study,
Performance Rating.
Week 9 :  Performance Rating: Examples, Allowances, Computation of Standard Time-I, Computation of Standard Time-II, Case Study
Week 10 :  Work Sampling: Basics, Procedure of Work Sampling Study, Numerical Problems on work sampling, Introduction to Synthetic Data and PMTS,
Introduction to MTM and MOST
Week 11 :  Ergonomics: Basic Concept, Industrial Ergonomics, Ergonomics: Anthropometry, Man-Machine System-1 , Man-Machine System-2
Week 12 :  Case Study: Office Chair, Case Study: Tower Crane Cabin, Case Study: Car Seat, Case Study: Computer System, Case Study: Assembly Line

Books and References

1. Introduction to Work Study: International Labor Office (ILO), Geneva.
2. Motion and Time Study Design and Measurement of Work: Ralph M. Barnes, Wiley, The University of California.
3. Industrial Engineering and Production Management: M. Telsang, S. Chand and Company Ltd.


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