Unlocking the Power of Sensory Marketing: How Consumers & Senses Influence Shopping

Regular Registration : Rs. 1399 + GST (3rd – 7th August, 2024) 

For International Participants pay using the razor pay link (USD 30 + Tax) https://rzp.io/l/vDex08ugVf


Last day of registration: 7th August, 2024


SKU: 9th, 16th, 17th August, 2024 Categories: ,



Mode of Workshop : ONLINE


Session Date : 9th, 16th & 17th August, 2024


Session Time : 07:00 p.m. – 09:00 p.m. (IST – on all the days)

Course Description

Join this three-sessions online workshop on “Sensory Marketing” where each session spans two hours. Dive deep into the realm of sensory marketing and store atmospherics. Discover the nuances of sensory appeals tailored to various marketing objectives, explore real-world applications by businesses, and uncover the profound impact on consumer behavior. Whether you are a seasoned marketing professional or a Master/PhD student in the field, this workshop will enrich your understanding and elevate your knowledge in sensory marketing and store atmospherics.

Profile of the Instructor

Prof. Dr. Nico Heuvinck is Associate Professor of Marketing as well as Academic Director of the Master in Digital Marketing & CRM at IESEG School of Management, Lille Campus, France. He received his PhD in Marketing from Ghent University, Belgium. His teaching is centered around the topics of marketing research methodology (e.g. Applied Marketing Research with SPSS, Experimental Designs, and Intro to Statistics) and (irrational) consumer behavior (e.g. Neuromarketing, Consumer Behavior, and In-store Marketing). In the past he has been visiting Professor at Ghent University (Belgium), K.U. Leuven (Belgium), and Loyola College (India). He is also the recipient of IESEG’s Teaching Excellence Award and co-authored the “Marketing Research with IBM® SPSS Statistics” book published by Routledge.

His research revolves around different topics in consumer psychology such as; health heuristics in food decision making, brand ethicality, sensory marketing, goals & motivation, store atmospherics, and two sided advertising. His work has been published in top Marketing journals such as the Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Consumer Psychology, Journal of Business Ethics & International Journal of Advertising. Moreover, his work has been featured by numerous (international) media outlets such as Harvard Business Review, the Times, the Independent, the Mirror, the Sun, Daily Mail, Metro, de Telegraaf, and the Marketing Science Institute. His research has been awarded with the 2022-2023 Journal of Consumer Psychology top 10 most-cited paper certificate, the EMAC 2011 ‘Best Paper of the Conference based on a Doctoral Dissertation Award’ and the ANZMAC 2018 ‘Best Paper in the Consumer Behavior Track Award’ as well as it has been finalist for the EMAC 2012 ‘Best Paper of the Conference based on a Doctoral Dissertation Award’, and the ICORIA 2017 ‘Best Student Paper Award’.

Session Details

Session 1: Sensory Marketing intro & Visual Marketing (2 hours)

Delve into the core principles of Sensory Marketing and store atmospherics. Throughout this session, you’ll investigate the essence of Sensory Marketing, its interplay with concepts like Customer Experience and important frameworks, and the direct connections between our senses and specific brain regions. Explore the strategic application of Sensory Marketing, learning when and how it can be effectively utilized. The session concludes with an examination of both conscious and subconscious visual cues, including considerations like color schemes, in-store layout patterns, customer flow, and visual aisle management. Additionally, we’ll look at the impact of social cues such as the presence of other shoppers and the appearance of sales staff on consumer behavior.

Session 2: Olfactory & Gustatory Marketing (2 hours)

In this second session we will focus on two senses: smell and taste. First, you will unravel the (emotional) strength of olfactory marketing from an evolutionary perspective, how important smell congruency is, discover the difference in effectiveness between ambient and product scent, as well as its potential dangers. Second, concerning taste, you will examine one of the most fundamental marketing techniques: sampling, how taste is heavily dependent from intrinsic (e.g. product color) and extrinsic products attributes (e.g. branding, pricing, framing), as well as the other multiple limitations of gustatory marketing.

Session 3: Auditory & Haptic Marketing (2 hours)

This third session will immerse us in exploring our two remaining senses: hearing and touch. Initially, we’ll explore the impact of music genre, volume, and tempo on consumer reactions, alongside delving into product sound and sonic branding. Subsequently, we’ll conclude this online workshop by delving into the ways in which (non)touching products shapes consumer behavior, how various shopping aids alter shopping behavior, and the significance of weight, temperature, and texture on product evaluations.

Intended Audience

  • Master’s level students eager to deepen their understanding of Sensory Marketing and its application real-world settings.
  • Marketing (research) professionals aiming to refine their expertise in leveraging sensory stimuli for strategic marketing initiatives.
  • Aspiring PhD candidates in Marketing, Psychology, or related disciplines.
  • Curious individuals with a passion for consumer psychology and who are excited to uncover the nuances of sensory experiences in marketing.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this workshop, you’ll gain a thorough grasp of sensory marketing, its applicable contexts, key considerations for retailers in store design, a breakdown of alternative store atmospherics & pros and cons, and practical applications in both professional and academic realms. This knowledge empowers you to comprehend how retailers enhance the shopping experience. Elevate your (sensory) marketing expertise and foster evidence based decision- making by joining this dynamic and interactive workshop.

Fees of the Workshop

Regular Registration : Rs. 1399 + GST

For International Participants pay using the razor pay link (USD 30 + Tax) https://rzp.io/l/vDex08ugVf


Participants who attend all sessions will receive certificates for attending this masterclass session. Once all of the sessions have been completed, the PPTs will be shared. The session recordings will not be provided.

Support Desk

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