Weld Defects and their Remedies

From: 500.00

Last Date of Registration : 7th May, 2025

SKU: 10th & 11th May, 2025 Categories: ,

Profile of the Instructor

Prof. Dheerendra Kumar Dwivedi, PhD, Professor (HAG) in the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee. He has completed his Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical Engineering) from Government Engineering College Rewa in 1993, Master of Engineering (welding engineering) from the University of Roorkee (now IIT Roorkee) in 1997 and Doctorate (metallurgical engineering) from MNIT Jaipur in 2003. He has been involved in teaching, research and development, and industrial consultancy for the last 26 years broadly in the area of manufacturing technologies in general and casting, welding, and surfacing modification for improved mechanical properties in particular. Recipient of Binani Gold Medal Award-2001 (IIM). Recipient of W. H. Hobart Memorial Award for your paper “A Functionally Graded Joint between P91 Steel and AISI 316L SS. Recognized amongst the top 1% Global Scientists in Materials Domain by Elsevier-Stanford (2020 and 2021). He is recipient of six best research paper awards in National/International conferences. He supervised 17 PhD thesis (awarded). He has published in more than 132 research papers in peer reviewed SCI/SCIE indexed International Journal. He has published three books namely “Production and Properties of Cast Al-Si Alloys” with New Age International, New Delhi in 2013 and “Surface Engineering for Enhanced Tribological life of component” with Springer nature in 2018 and “Fundamentals of Metals Joining: Processes, Mechanism, Performance” with Springer nature in 2021. He has executed more than 20 Research & Development projects and 50 industrial consultancy project as PI. Filed and published three Indian patents on technologies developed in area of A- GTAW and FSW and out of three one patent has been awarded / granted.

Modules of the Workshop

Day – 1 :

Module Name : Fusion  joining  process

Concepts Covered :

Weld metal related  issues: Cracking, porosity, inclusion,  solidification, and liquidation, cracking lack  of fusion/penetration,  Heat affected zone: cold crack, under-bead  crack, embrittlement,  type IV cracking, weld  decay, knife line cracking Weld bead geometry: bead angle, undercut,  reinforcement, roughness, crater.

Learning Outcomes :

  • Identification of  weld defects.  
  • The mechanism  leading to weld  defects.  
  • Methods minimizing weld  defect related  issues.


Day – 2 :

Module Name : Weld Defect Detection

Concepts Covered :

  • Brazing, and thermal  cutting related issues.  
  • Issues specific to dissimilar metal joining  and techniques for detection of the weld  defects. 

Learning Outcomes :

  • Techniques identify weld defects.  
  • The mechanism leading to weld defects in dissimilar metal  joining. 
  • Methods minimizing weld  defect related  issues.

Session Details

Dates of the Workshop : 10th & 11th  May, 2025

Mode of the Workshop : Online



Day 1 : 10:00 a.m. – 01:00 p.m.(IST)

Day 2 : 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 Noon.(IST)



Intended Audience & Eligibility

Intended Audience:

Practicing Engineers, Graduates, R & D people, Faculty. 


Eligibility : 

Anyone with interest and little knowledge of joining and welding field, Related to  ITI, diploma, gradual engineers working in the field of fabrication and joining will find this course useful for effective planning and control issues related to the welding. 

Fee Structure

Student : Rs 590 /- (500 + 18% GST )

Faculty : Rs 1180 /- (1000 + 18% GST )

Industry : Rs 2360 /- (2000 + 18% GST )


Certification Criteria

It is mandatory to attend sessions on both days and achieve a qualifying score in the assignments to be eligible for certification.


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