Showing 1–15 of 644 results
21st Century Food Tech Innovations for Nutrition and Health Security
21st Century Teaching and learning Skills
21st Century Teaching and Learning Skills – Batch 2
21st Century Teaching and Learning Skills – Batch 3
21st Century Teaching and Learning Skills – Batch 4
5G v/s WIFI – Which one is better?
5G: Advanced Antenna design using Ansys HFSS – Hands-on Workshop
A Hands-on Introduction to Additive Manufacturing Simulation
A Hands-on Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulation
A Hands-on Introduction to Finite Element Analysis Simulation
A Hands-on workshop on Introduction to Additive Manufacturing from ANSYS
A Hands-on workshop on Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics from ANSYS
A Hands-on workshop on Introduction to Finite Element Analysis from ANSYS
A Hands-on workshop on Introduction to High Frequency Electromagnetic Simulation from ANSYS
A Hands-on workshop on Introduction to Low Frequency Electromagnetic Simulation from ANSYS