Introduction to Fundamentals of Solid Mechanics

Last Date of Registration : 31st December, 2024

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SKU: 4th and 5th January,2025 Categories: ,

Profile of the Instructor

Dr. Pankaj Biswas is a Professor in Mechanical Engineering, IIT Guwahati. He did B.E. in Mechanical Engineering from IIEST, Shibpur, and M.Tech and PhD from IIT Kharagpur. He is working in the area of different manufacturing as well as design field for the past 17 years. His areas of research are computational weld mechanics, similar and dissimilar friction stir welding, solid state 3-D printing, Finite Element analysis of distortion and residual stresses, large welding structure, line heating and modeling using soft computing techniques, machining. He guided 02 IPDF and 2 NPDF, 11 PhD completed, 10 PhD ongoing. He developed three NPTEL MOOCS Courses (70 hr. lectures) entitled ‘Fundamental of Welding Science and Technology’, ‘Welding Application Technology’ and ‘Fundamental of thermo mechanical and fatigue analysis of welded structure.

Module Details

Day 1 

Module 1: Introduction and Concept of Stress & Analysis of Axially Loaded Members

Concepts Covered :

  1. Load, Stress, Principle of St.Venant, Principle of Superposition, Strain, Hooke’s law, Modulus of Elasticity, Stress-Strain Diagrams, Working Stress, Factor of safety, Strain energy in tension and compression, Resilience, Impact loads.
  2. Composite bars in tension and compression, temperature stresses in composite rods, Concept of Statically indeterminate problems.
  3. Shear stress, Complimentary shear stress, Shear strain, Modulus of rigidity, Poisson’s ratio, Bulk Modulus, Relationship between elastic constants.

Module 2: Biaxial State of  Stress

Concepts Covered :

  1. Analysis of Biaxial  Stress. Plane stress,  Principal plane, Principal stress,  Mohr’s Circle for Biaxial Stress.
  2. Stresses in  thin cylinders and thin  spherical shells under  internal pressure, wire winding of thin cylinders.

Day 2

Module 1 : Shear Force and Bending Moment Diagrams

Concepts Covered :

  1. Shear force and bending moment, Types of load and  Types of support.
  2. Support  reactions, Relationship between  bending moment and  shear force, Point of  inflection. Shear Force and Bending Moment diagrams.

Module 2: Analysis of  Beams for Bending

Concepts Covered: 

  1. Theory of simple  bending of initially  straight beams, pure  bending, Bending stresses,  Shear stresses in  bending.
  2. Distribution  of normal and shear  stress, Composite beams.

Learning Outcomes

Day 1

  •  Have the basic concepts on various loadings and their effects on different elements.
  •  Ability to analyze complex stress states in structures.
  • Students will learn to calculate stresses in thin-walled cylinders and spherical shells under pressure, and understand wire winding effects, enhancing their structural design and analysis skills.

Day 2

  • Ability to analyze and predict internal forces and moments in beams and structural elements.
  • Students will understand how external loads impact shear and bending stresses, enabling them to design safer and more efficient structures.
  • Understanding of how to calculate stresses, strains, and deflections in beams subjected to bending loads.
  • Students will learn to apply bending theory, analyze different beam configurations and predict structural behavior, ensuring safe and efficient design in engineering applications.

Intended Audience and Eligibility

Intended Audience

• Students and Faculties (Mechanical, Production, Chemical & Civil Engineering)
• Technicians of Mechanical Engineering
• Industry Professionals


Required Mechanical, Production, Civil, Chemical Engineering background

Session Details

Mode of the Workshop : Online

Dates of the Workshop : 4th and 5th January, 2025


Session 1 (Saturday) : 10:00 a.m – 1 p.m and 02:00 p.m – 04:00 p.m (IST)

Session 2 (Sunday): 10:00 a.m – 1 p.m and 02:00 p.m – 04:00 p.m (IST)

Fee for the Workshop

Student: Rs. 944 (Rs. 800+18% GST)

Faculty: Rs. 1180(Rs. 1000+18% GST)

Scientist/Industry: Rs. 2360 (Rs. 2000+18% GST)

Certificate Criteria

Weightage for Attendance and Assessment:

Day Attendance Assessment
Day 1 25% 25%
Day 2 25% 25%

Certification will be provided based on following criteria:

Total Percentage Certification Criteria
75% and Above Certification of Successful Completion
50% – 75% Certification of Completion
25% – 50% Certification of Participation
Less than 25 % No certificate


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