Mode of workshop: Online
About the workshop:
Mathematical and computational models in biological science enable the simulation of simple to complex biological processes, disease progression , mechanisms and dynamics, and distribution of drugs in tissues and organs while in biological engineering to model bioreactors/fermenters, growth kinetics and diffusion and separation processes. The models could be a set of ordinary or partial differential equations, derived from first principles with several assumptions. In this workshop modelling and simulation of various biological science and engineering problems will be discussed which will include reaction/cell growth kinetics, diffusion process in biofilm, predator – prey models, pharmacokinetics , bioreactor and chromatography.
A free downloadable ODE solver will be demonstrated to solve the various problems.
Detailed Plan of the Workshop:
Day 1 : Saturday : May 27, 2023 – Morning
- Reaction kinetics.
- Cell growth.
- Biofilm diffusion
Day 1 : Saturday : May 27, 2023 – Afternoon
- Predator prey model.
- Stability analysis
Day 2 : Sunday May 28, 2023 -Morning
- Pharmaco kinetics.
- Bioreactor
Day 2 : Sunday May 28, 2023 – Afternoon
- Chromatography.
- Literature examples
Session dates:
Saturday : May 27, 2023 . Timings : 10 am – 1 pm and 2 pm – 4 pm
Sunday : May 28, 2023 . Timings : 10 am – 1 pm and 2 pm – 4 pm
Last date of Registration: May 22nd, 2023
Profile of the Instructor(s)

Dr Mukesh Doble, Distinguished Professor at Saveetha Dental College and Hospitals, Prof (Retd), IIT Madras and Director, Theevanam Additives & Nutraceuts p ltd (IITM Res Park).. Areas of expertise are Biomaterials, Drug design, Bioprocess and Biostatistics. Holds B. Tech and M. Tech degrees in Chemical Engineering (IIT, Madras) , and Ph. D. from University of Aston, UK and postdoctoral from Cambridge, U.K., and Texas A&M, U.S.A. Worked for 25 years in Chemical and Polymer Industries and then 20 years in Department of Biotechnology, IITMadras. Author of 380 papers,10 books, and 17 patents Currently has a start up , 4 MOOCS video courses in NPTEL and Swayam. Recipient of “Excellence in Basic Research” Award from Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers and National Award for Technology Innovation in Plastic Processing Industry, Govt of India.
Eligibility & Fees
Intended Audience:
- UG/PG/scholars/faculty in biotechnology/ biochemistry/chemical engineering or allied fields
Eligibility Requirement:
- UG in biotechnology/ biochemistry/chemical engineering or allied fields.
- Basics of Differential calculus
Fees for the workshop:
Students :Rs 590 ( Rs 500+18%GST)
Faculty : Rs 885 (Rs 750 + 18%GST)
Industry : Rs 1180 (Rs 1000+18% GST)
Criteria for Certification:
After attending the workshop and completing the assessment, certificate will be awarded to each participant.
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