Description of the workshop
The workshop aims to equip participants with the skills to perform Basic Linguistic Analysis using Syntax, Morphology and Phonetics/Phonology, and employ such skills as necessary tools for a comprehensive Sociolinguistic Analysis. The participants of the workshop will be able to learn the analysis based on their own data/data from their own Languages.

Dr. Dripta Piplai (Mondal)
Dr. Dripta Piplai (Mondal), Assistant Professor at the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, IIT Kharagpur. Ph. D in Linguistics from University of Delhi. Her research interests include language conflict, linguistic discrimination, morphosyntactic variation, language policy and planning for classrooms among others. She was Sarai-CSDS fellow (2006), CRY National Child Rights Research fellow (2007), Wipro Applying Thought in Schools fellow (2014-15), CIIL fellow 2015-16.She has done extensive field work in different rural areas for the last 17 years and published some of her works. She can be contacted at

Prof. Tanmoy Bhattacharya
Prof. Tanmoy Bhattacharya, teaches Linguistics at the Department of Linguistics, University of Delhi (DU), Delhi. His research interests are in the areas of syntax, psycholinguistics, gender, disability studies, deaf education, and sign linguistics. He held positions at School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS, University of London, UK), Universität Leipzig (Germany), University College London (UCL, England), M. S. University (Baroda), and University of Hyderabad (UoH, Hyderabad). Apart from 76 journal papers, Dr. Bhattacharya edited the ‘Yearbook of South Asian Languages and Linguistics’ (Mouton, 2006) and the ‘People’s Linguistic Survey of India volume on Indian Sign Language’ (2014), and co-edited two other books. He has been the chief editor of ‘Indian Linguistics’ (2015-2017).

Prof. Rama Kant Agnihotri
Prof. Rama Kant Agnihotri (D Phil, University of York, UK) retired as Professor and Head, Dept of Linguistics, University of Delhi and is currently Professor Emeritus, Vidya Bhawan Society, Udaipur. His primary area of interest is the interface between language, education and society. He has lectured at several Universities in India, Yemen, South Africa, Canada, UK, Germany, and the USA. His books include: Crisis of Identity: A Sociolinguistic Study of Sikh Children in Leeds (Bahri, Delhi, 1987),Hindi Morphology: A Word-based Description (Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi, 1997 with Rajendra Singh), Noam Chomsky: The Architecture of Language (Oxford, Delhi, 2001 ed. with N. Mukherjee and B. N. Patnaik) and Hindi: An Essential Grammar (Routledge, London, 2007). He was the Chairperson of the NCERT’s (National Council of Educational Research and Training) National Focus Group on the teaching of Indian Languages.
Intended Audience & Eligibility
Intended Audience :
Undergraduate, Postgraduate students and PhD scholars from linguistics and other allied disciplines, including Engineering, Computer Science, Literature, Philosophy, Psychology education, Biological Science and Sociology. Also, the Faculty members from the above-mentioned disciplines.
Students (Masters completed or pursuing)/Research scholars/Faculties of Linguistics or Allied disciplines.
Certification Criteria
Attending the Session on both the days and Assignment submission will be the Criteria for the Certification.
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